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Lune 12, 875 AC. L'été arrive sur Westeros et avec lui, la promesse de réclotes prospères. À Port-Réal, l'humeur n'est pourtant pas aux réjouissances après le meurtre de la souveraine des Sept Couronnes. Tous s'agitent et cherchent un coupable, prêt à accuser son voisin pour s'innocenter.

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Lettre à Maegor I Targaryen

2 participants
Rhaenyra Targaryen
the realm's delight
I had gone out for a walk

Rhaenyra Targaryen

Défi RP #1
Participation au Défi RP #1 de novembre 2023
Noël 2023
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Pseudo : CrimsonTulip
Pronom irl : Elle
Messages : 1385
Date d'inscription : 24/09/2022
Allégeance : Elle n'a qu'une allégeance : la Maison Targaryen. Elle est née princesse de la maison du dragon et en tire une grande fierté.
Triggers : ...


Lettre à Maegor I Targaryen

de Rhaenyra Targaryen

My dear Prince Maegor,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and that since my departure, you have enjoyed the title of Prince of Dragonstone that I returned to you.
I am writing to you, on the 20th day of the 3rd moon of the 874th year After the Conquest to announce to you that I gave birth to a healthy daughter five days ago.

We never had the chance to talk about our ancestors, their gods, and how they believed in destiny. But a long time ago, you have bound yourself to your wife in the traditions of Old Valyria and it leads me to believe that you shall know how it feels to have your bloods joined as one.
At the moment I saw my child and held her in my arms, I knew in my very soul that she was the daughter my enemies took away from me, the one who never breathed. Forged in the Fourteen Flames centuries ago, she has somehow returned to me and I truly believe she is a sign of hope for a better future for my family.

This is the reason Daemon and I decided to give her the name we chose for our only daughter. She is Visenya of House Targaryen, second of her name.
She is born strong and healthy with mismatch purple eyes, dragon scales on her neck, and silver hair. There is no doubt she is the blood of the dragon and despite our death and rebirth, the blood of Valyria still runs through our veins.

As I have told you before, you are welcome to visit us if you wish and meet the child we named after your mother, the only true queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

I am looking forward to your response,
Your friend, Princess Rhaenyra of House Targaryen.
©linus pour Epicode
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— What did it cost?
— Everything.
Maegor I Targaryen
Prince of Dragonstone
Le petit carlin qui habite à Peyredragon

Maegor I Targaryen

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Participation au Défi RP #2 de juin 2024
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Noël 2023
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Ce personnage a RP à Peyredragon.
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Ce personnage a RP à Meereen.
Pseudo : tyraxesis
Pronom irl : elle
Messages : 453
Date d'inscription : 27/07/2023
Allégeance : Son allégeance va à la maison Targaryen de Port-Réal.
Triggers : Aucun, tant qu'on en parle avant.



correspondance entre Rhaenyra Targaryen et Maegor I Targaryen.

@Rhaenyra Targaryen

My dear friend,

It's with great pleasure that I congratulate you and your husband on the birth of your daughter. I do not doubt that you were brave, and I hope your health is good as well, Princess Rhaenyra.
As for mine, it was declining quickly for a while until a good friend of mine came to my help. I'm doing better now, thanks to her. And I keep on enjoying this title we shared.

We never did, but I believe the same prophecy touched you as much as it did to me. Our blood and dynasty were always bound by blood and magic even before the Doom. I was never one to believe in such things as destiny before I met Alys and then Tyanna, we were meant to be, and ever since I came back to my own body for the first time, I started to believe.

I believe you, my friend. How could I not? After all, I read that your daughter met the same terrible fate as my children. Scaled, deformed, and dead in the womb. She came back to you because she was always meant to be yours. A princess of Targaryen blood, and I'm sure that she is perfect.

It's a great honor to know that my mother's name was chosen before and now again, by your husband and yourself. May your daughter be as strong and as wise as my good mother, may she be fierce and courageous like she is. And may she bring you joy and happiness as much as I'm certain she already does.
I have to admit that I am happy to know that the blood of Old Valyria still rushes in me as much as in your family. It seems that one day, maybe, my dream will come true if Tyanna and I come to an arrangement and that we seize from hating one another.

I promised your husband I shall bring an egg for the child and I intend to keep my promise. Once the maester permits it, I'll be on my way for Meereen.

Yours truly,
Prince Maegor of House Targaryen.

(c) 0tsana

❝Gloria regali
Peace and understanding
Forever may you reign
Gloria regali❞
Maegor I Targaryen
Prince of Dragonstone
Le petit carlin qui habite à Peyredragon

Maegor I Targaryen

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Happy Birthday
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Défi RP #1
Participation au Défi RP #1 de novembre 2023
Défi RP #2
Participation au Défi RP #2 de juin 2024
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Récompense pour avoir trouvé le bonnet 24 du calendrier de l'avent
Noël 2023
Avec impatience, cette personne a attendu Noël et ouvert son calendrier de l'avent !
Ce personnage a RP à Peyredragon.
Ce personnage a RP à Westeros.
Terres de la Couronne
Ce personnage a RP dans les Terres de la Couronne.
Ce personnage a RP à Port-Réal.
Ce personnage a RP à Culpucier.
le Bief
Ce personnage a RP dans le Bief.
Ce personnage a RP à Villevieille.
Les Jumeaux
Ce personnage a RP aux Jumeaux.
Ce personnage a RP à Harrenhal.
Le Val
Ce personnage a RP dans le Val.
Les Eyrié
Ce personnage a RP aux Eyrié.
Ce personnage a RP à Essos.
Cités Libres
Ce personnage a RP dans les Cités Libres.
Ce personnage a RP à Volantis.
Ce personnage a RP à Qarth.
Pays de Ghis
Ce personnage a RP dans le Pays de Ghis.
Baie des Dragons
Ce personnage a RP dans la Baie des Dragons.
Ce personnage a RP à Meereen.
Pseudo : tyraxesis
Pronom irl : elle
Messages : 453
Date d'inscription : 27/07/2023
Allégeance : Son allégeance va à la maison Targaryen de Port-Réal.
Triggers : Aucun, tant qu'on en parle avant.



A letter written with a shaking, childish handwriting.

@Rhaenyra Targaryen

day 11 of the 7th month, year 875.

My friends,

I do not know how to write these words without my heart sinking underground. I have the most terrible pain to inform you of the passing of my gracious and fierce mother, Visenya Ist of her Name of House Targaryen, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. She died last night, killed by an individual that we are searching for presently with the lady Commandant, your mother, the princess Alyssa.

I can’t even start to tell you how much grief and pain have fall onto me. I feel like she would never have died if I was there, next to her, instead of being exiled in the Vale. She died alone, in a cold throne room and I was never there to hold her hand. She will never meet her granddaughter, which destroys me even more. But I know that her murderer will suffer a thousand time more than I do once I catch him or her. They’ll die a long, agonising death, alone, away from everything and I shall rejoice in their suffering.

Please, my dearest friend, be careful out there and have my family in your prayer to the Fourteen and to Morghul. I hope He’ll fly my precious mother back to the dragontowers of Old Valyria where she’ll meet with her sister and Vhagar.

Yours truly,
Prince Maegor of House Targaryen of Dragonstone.

(c) 0tsana

❝Gloria regali
Peace and understanding
Forever may you reign
Gloria regali❞
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