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Lune 12, 875 AC. L'été est là, le petit peuple se réjouit alors que les seigneurs s'inquiètent à l'heure où un nouveau roi vient d'être couronné en la personne de Maegor I Targaryen.

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Letters to qēlītsos

2 participants
Marra Rogare

Marra Rogare

Pseudo : CrimsonTulip
Pronom irl : Elle
Messages : 21
Date d'inscription : 13/05/2024
Triggers : aucun.


day 7, moon 8, year 875
letter to @larra rogare
My dear qēlītsos,

My hand is trembling as I write to you. A few moons ago, I have returned from the abyss that once claimed me but I only felt truly alive when I have learned that you, my little sister, breathe again. The gods have drawn a surprising path for us, you are in Volantis, I heard, and I am standing once more in Lys, far away from you, longing to see your face and hear your voice again.
Every day, I think of you, of the times we were inseparable, when we used to whispered secrets and shared our hopes for the future under the moonlight and the stars. Life has been cruel with us sometimes but having you as my sister was always my greatest joy and comfort.
Unfortunately, I do not have the means to travel so far. However, in another life, we promised to write to each other every time we'll be part and we never missed to do it. There is no reason for this to change in this new existence.

Many seasons have passed since the last time we saw each other, however I do not know what rumors you may have heard about my fate. All that I endured, I will tell you one day, if the stars allow us the chance to meet again and I believe they will because my heart feels as if it has beaten a thousand years to reach this moment.
It was the bank where you used to work that told me you were alive but you had left. Thus I searched for you until I heard of Queen Rhaenyra and King Daemon of Volantis and recognized the name of your beloved Viserys parents. That's how I learned you were there with him. Have you found peace there? Are you happy with him? I know how dear he was to your heart but also how much you used to miss our home. Is Volantis better than the Seven Kingdoms? Would you tell me everything about this new life of yours?

Please, my dear Larra, send me word of your life, your dreams and your health.

With all my love for you that death could not claim,
Always your sister,
by CrimsonTulip

Larra Rogare

Larra Rogare

Pseudo : tyraxesis
Pronom irl : elle
Messages : 131
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2023
Allégeance : Fidèle à sa famille, Larra est d'une loyauté sans nom envers ses enfants : Aegon, Aemon et Naerys. Plus largement, son allégeance va à Rhaenyra et Daemon Targaryen, ainsi qu'à leurs héritiers.
Triggers : aucun



correspondance entre
Marra Rogare et Larra Rogare.

day 9, moon 8, year 875

ñuha hūra,

i am reading this letter and i can't help but to cry of happiness. i do recognize your handwriting but i can't believe this is real. did hūraelia really heard my prayers? did she truely sent you back on this earth? my heart is beating to know you'll read my words and yet, i ache at the fact that you are not here and i'm not there, home, with you.

every second of my life, i thought of you. do you remember, my dearest sister, of how we would shared your bed at home, when we still had one? we would whisper for hours, and i would always fall asleep holding your hand in mine. life was cruel indeed, it still is sometime but knowing that you live is putting me at ease for you were my true home and there's no one else i could have wished to die in the arms of. but the time of death have passed and we are alive again, you and i the same, ñuha hūra.

do not worry, i will come to you as soon as i can. my life has taken a path i couldn't have predicted but it wouldn't be enough to forbid me to see you. in the meantime, let's resume this habit we had to write to each other, you are right.

i tried to read about our family but nothing came out of it. i have no idea how you lived your life after my passing but i would love to read it entirely if it is not to much for you. we could also wait to meet again, as you said and even you know my lack of patience, i'll wait like a child awaits for the days of irūdy. after all, you were always not only my sister but also my one and only true friend in a world where no one could hear me.

but, my love, this letter can hold lines of the past two years i lived. i was in lys for almost a year from the 8th moon of 873 to the 7th of 874. then jorrāelia saw me and my sad, hopeless life and she put my viserys on my path again. he was sleeping in the great library and when he woke up, we saw each other. love was there again, as if it never had left and we conceived a child on that night. he took me to meereen where i found my little baby boy again. he was full of anger, he still is most of the time but he loves me and i love him. i also met the other targaryens. they are an odd family but... they feel like we used to be, a true family full of love and friendship. they fight, sometimes, but at the end of the day, love always wins.

then, queen rhaenyra decided she needed a place for her family and she took volantis. i still thing it vile and egoist but i would have done the same. she's a good mother, i admire her truly. here, in the old volantis, i feel like it's home somehow. he leave comfortably and i also found my daughter naerys and my son aemon back. they are not  who i'd love them to be, so westerosii that it hurts me but i still love them even if they don't love me back. or they don't show it, i don't know. as i told you, viserys and i were to have a fourth child but it died in my womb and if i always tell everyone i am fine, i still cry about it sometimes. i wish my baby had lived and i could give that love i have in my heart. still, i am happy to be with my one true love and you were right. he did grow into a gentle and strong man. he is very beautiful as well, he makes me blush a lot.

bakkalon, i almost forgot! aegon told me of something and you need to know about it. but your little serenei lived, she became my son's mistress when he became king and they had a daughter. her name was shiera seastar and so, we share a granddaughter you and i. i read about your serenei and the book said she was considered cold and haughty at the court, people did spread rumors about her like they spread rumors about me. i am so sorry my legacy might have hurt her in anyway possible.

i am stopping there, the cats are getting hungry and naerys must be waiting for me to feed them.

i missed you my dearest heart,
i love you as much as the little stars love hūraelia,
your larra.

(c) 0tsana

Tell me dear
are you lonesome tonight?