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Scénarios attendus
Lune 12, 875 AC. L'été arrive sur Westeros et avec lui, la promesse de réclotes prospères. À Port-Réal, l'humeur n'est pourtant pas aux réjouissances après le meurtre de la souveraine des Sept Couronnes. Tous s'agitent et cherchent un coupable, prêt à accuser son voisin pour s'innocenter.

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Lettre à Viserys

Larra Rogare

Larra Rogare

Pseudo : tyraxesis
Pronom irl : elle
Messages : 126
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2023
Allégeance : Fidèle à sa famille, Larra est d'une loyauté sans nom envers ses enfants : Aegon, Aemon et Naerys. Plus largement, son allégeance va à Rhaenyra et Daemon Targaryen, ainsi qu'à leurs héritiers.
Triggers : aucun



note glissée dans un livre.

@Viserys II Targaryen

My love,

I write this for you as I am not certain that I will find the time or the strength to discuss this face to face with you. I know you probably promised your mother and father to keep the palace or something while they are going away to do whatever but maybe you could trust your brother Aegon or even Jacaerys with such a mission.

I would like to travel with you to some place so you could breathe and maybe find some time for yourself. I am starting to feel better as well and I'm certain that some new scenery can help. What about we go to some place with great architecture? We could even bring back gifts to our children, don't you think? I'm sure Aeg would be pleased with some fine wine and delicacy, and we could find a nice present for Aemon and Naerys too.

Can you, please, consider my demand? Felscylla is so big that she'd take us there in no time. What good is a dragon for if you don't take me with you?

Don't forget to eat and to rest.


(c) 0tsana

Tell me dear
are you lonesome tonight?